
《COVID-19期间的心理健康提示》 2021-01-07










💋 电话











        请遵循安全的食品处理和烹饪习惯,以杀死病毒并降低感染风险,从而确保您和家人的安全。 考虑一下如何在日常工作中使用任何意外的灵活性。 关注生活中积极的方面和可以控制的事物。 对自己和他人要友善和同情。 如果可以的话,限制物质的使用。 如果您确实使用物质,请实践安全使用和良好的卫生习惯。

For more information on how to take care of yourself:

For more information on the Government of Canada’s response to COVID-19, refer to

隔离与隔离之间的区别 2021-01-05



呆在家里。 监视症状。 避免与他人接触。






Difference between quarantine and isolation

‘Quarantine’ refers to the 14 days that a person must: Stay at home. Monitor for symptoms. Avoid contact with other people.

You will have to quarantine if you:

Are returning from outside Canada.

Have been in contact with a possible COVID-19 case.

Have been told to by your local public health authority.

‘Isolation’ is when you stay at home and limit contact with others because you have a symptom of COVID-19 and may have been exposed.

See the full list here: For more information on the Government of Canada’s response to COVID-19,

refer to Is this email useful?

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您无法消除所有风险,但是可以采取一些措施来降低您的风险,以及在这个假期中对亲人的风险。 如果您有任何症状,即使症状较轻,也应留在家中并远离他人。 继续遵循公共卫生措施,例如身体疏远,适当戴非医疗口罩以及坚持洗手卫生。 在计划的庆祝活动前,14天限制不必要的旅行和活动,以减少接触风险。 通过低风险的假期活动来庆祝节日,保护那些可能遭受更严重疾病或COVID19后果的风险的人,例如



👍 在户外开始新的习惯。


Holiday Season best practices

   You cannot eliminate all risks, but there are things you can do to reduce your risk and the risk to your loved ones this holiday season. If you have any symptoms, even mild ones, stay home and away from others. Continue following public health measures such as physical distancing, wearing a non-medical mask as appropriate, and practicing hand hygiene. Limit non-essential travel and activities 14 days before a planned celebration to reduce the risks of exposure. Protect those who are at risk of more severe disease or outcomes from COVID19 by celebrating the season with lower-risk holiday activities, such as

👍Holiday lights tour.

👍Physically distanced doorstep gift exchange.

👍Starting a new tradition outdoors.

See the full list here:

For more information on the Government of Canada’s response to COVID-19, refer to Is this email useful?

Answer some questions to tell us more: You signed up to “Get Updates on COVID-19”.


   Dec. 23, 2020                                                                                   

Pfizer vaccine – What you should know 辉瑞疫苗–有关您应该知道的

    Many vaccines and drugs are being investigated around the world. In Canada, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was the first COVID-19 vaccine to become authorized. The vaccine was authorized on December 9, 2020, while the first dose was given on December 14, 2020. Doses will continue to be distributed throughout 2021.

To learn more about this vaccine, visit:

For more information on the Government of Canada’s response to COVID-19, refer to

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      世界各地正在研究许多疫苗和药物。 在加拿大,辉瑞-BioNTech疫苗是首个获得批准的COVID-19疫苗。 该疫苗于2020年12月9日获得授权,而第一剂疫苗于2020年12月14日提供。大剂量将在2021年全年继续分配。                                                                                                                                                                                                    2020-12-22

Holiday Season best practices 假期最佳做法

       You cannot eliminate all risks, but there are things you can do to reduce your risk and the risk to your loved ones this holiday season. If you have any symptoms, even mild ones, stay home and away from others. Continue following public health measures such as physical distancing, wearing a non-medical mask as appropriate, and practicing hand hygiene. Limit non-essential travel and activities 14 days before a planned celebration to reduce the risks of exposure. Protect those who are at risk of more severe disease or outcomes from COVID19 by celebrating the season with lower-risk holiday activities, such as

👍Holiday lights tour.

👍Physically distanced doorstep gift exchange.

👍Starting a new tradition outdoors.

See the full list here:

For more information on the Government of Canada’s response to COVID-19, refer to Is this email useful?

Answer some questions to tell us more: You signed up to “Get Updates on COVID-19”.

      您无法消除所有风险,但是可以采取一些措施来降低您的风险,以及在这个假期中对亲人的风险。 如果您有任何症状,即使症状较轻,也应留在家中并远离他人。 继续遵循公共卫生措施,例如身体疏远,适当戴非医疗口罩以及坚持洗手卫生。 在计划的庆祝活动前,14天限制不必要的旅行和活动,以减少接触风险。 通过低风险的假期活动来庆祝节日,保护那些可能遭受更严重疾病或COVID19后果的风险的人,例如



👍 在户外开始新的习惯。

     Dec. 23, 2020 


         2020年即将过去,为辞旧迎新,加拿大中国妇女互助协会经过辛勤策划和筹备,于12月12日周六晚,举办了一场题为 “枫华丽人迎春晚会” 的在线文艺演出。感谢各方的支持,整台晚会20多个节目,有来自远在荷兰欧华新移民作家协会选送的节目,有卡尔加里东北同乡总会的节目、以及多伦多华人社团选送的节目。整台晚会的节目类别多样、精彩纷呈,给观众提供了一份赏心悦目的文艺新年礼物。 晚会开始,加拿大中国妇女互助协会会长 Jessica Sun致欢迎辞。她代表协会欢迎各位的光临!她说,2020年是不平凡的一年,我们一起经历了很多艰难困苦。在此辞旧迎新之际,妇女互助协会举办这场文艺晚会,是为了和大家一起,感受文艺的美好,为隔离的生活增添几分欢乐。感谢为筹办这场晚会辛勤付出的全体义工们!相信今晚的20多个节目,一定会精彩纷呈!预祝大家新年吉祥! 

       精彩的表演结束前,协会副会长顾树林女士做了简短的总结。她说,这场晚会是自协会成立以来举办的第一场较为大型的活动,没有各方的支持,就没有这场晚会。晚会幕后,有很多感人的故事,例如著名华人作曲家、指挥家王燕樵老师非常支持,为晚会带来了由他指挥的大合唱《蓝色多瑙河》。顾树林还提及,由于经验不足,产生了一些小卡壳。为此,我们协会表示歉意!并会总结经验、以后改进。 感谢加拿大安省议员柯文彬先生、列治文山市议员陈志辉先生、万锦市议员何胡景先生、多伦多华人团体联合总会主席翁国宁先生为晚会发来了热情洋溢的祝贺视频、及贺信! 感谢布兰德庄园酒庄、三八妇乐科技股份有限公司、及TAES Architects Inc.的慷慨赞助! 感谢两位主持人Jordan Chou、Lucy和小山的大力主持!感谢全体演员的倾情演出!感谢所有幕后义工的默默奉献! 加拿大中国妇女互助协会 (别名:枫华丽人 )Canada Chinese Women Aid Association(CCWAA)是在加拿大正式注册的非营利机构。协会宗旨在于促进加拿大华人女性团结互助、自立自强,更好地融入加拿大社会。枫华丽人,是加拿大华人女性的温馨家园。欢迎姐妹们参加协会!

撰稿人: Judy Fu

2020年12月12日 加拿大多伦多